Your Rights and Responsibilities as a PA

As an employed Personal Assistant (PA) there are certain rights that you have under employment law. These cover a whole range of areas including:

  • Employment contracts
  • Working hours
  • Pay and wages
  • Flexible working
  • Holiday, sickness and leave
  • Redundancy
  • Dismissals
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Time off for family (maternity, paternity, parental, adoption and shared parental leave) and time off for dependants.

You can find helpful information about these rights throughout this Handbook – take a look at the Resources at the bottom of this page as a first step.

Your expectations as a PA

As any employee, you can expect your employer to consider your needs in a number of different areas, including:

  • Training
  • Support and Supervision
  • Learning and development
  • Health and safety
  • Any reasonable adjustments you might require
  • Any caring role that you might have.

Your responsibilities as a PA

Your responsibilities as a PA will be outlined in your contract of employment and job description.

It is your employer’s responsibility to decide how they want you to assist them, and you should follow their guidance and direction.

There are other general expectations of PAs that are outlined in national standards called the Health and Social Care Standards. These Standards have been written to make sure that individuals accessing care and support are treated with respect, dignity, and have their human rights upheld.

Reading the Health and Social Care standards will give you an idea of the expectations you should be working to. You can read the Standards at the bottom of this page.

As a PA you may deal with an adult or child who is at risk of harm. This means you also have a responsibility to report any concerns you may have about someone who has been a victim of harm or is at risk of harm. Find out more in the articles below, ‘Adult Support and Protection’ and ‘Child Protection’.

Next steps

Take a look at the Resources below to find out more.

Part of
Last Updated
10 June 2024
First Published
01 April 2022
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Please note that the information contained in this Handbook is provided for guidance purposes only. Every reasonable effort is made to make the information accurate and up to date, but no responsibility for its accuracy and correctness, or for any consequences of relying on it, is assumed by Self Directed Support Scotland or any other contributing party.

The information does not, and is not intended to, amount to legal advice. You are strongly advised to obtain specific, personal and professional advice from a lawyer about employment law matters, or an accountant/ tax specialist about taxation matters, and from HMRC and your insurers. You should not rely solely on the information in this Handbook. Support organisations listed in this Handbook can help you find appropriate sources of advice.