Minimum hourly rate for PAs

A pile of coins and bank notes on top of a payslip

Each year, the Scottish Government sets the minimum hourly rate of pay for Personal Assistants.

The minimum rate of pay for Personal Assistants is £12 an hour from April 2024.

Before April 2024 the minimum rate was £10.90 an hour.

The £12 an hour rate applies to all hours worked, including sleepover hours.

If a Personal Assistant is already paid more than £12 an hour, local councils have been instructed that they should use the funding which has enabled this uplift, to increase Direct Payments paid to Employers. This will allow Employers to increase their PAs’ wages above £12 an hour.

Who does the minimum rate apply to?

A PA is eligible for the minimum rate if they are directly employed by someone receiving social care support, or a person who is acting on behalf of the person receiving the support.

To be eligible for the minimum rate, the funding for the PA’s wages needs to come from either a Local Authority through Option 1 of Self-directed Support, or from the Independent Living Fund Scotland.

Previously, the minimum rate of pay only applied to PAs who support adults. But in June 2024 the Scottish Government  announced would also apply to PAs who support children from April 2024, and payments would be backdated to this date.

PAs who are employed privately by their employer (rather than through funding from the Local Authority or Independent Living Fund) are not included in the minimum rate of pay. In this case, these PAs should still be paid at least the National Living Wage. This is £11.44 for people aged 21 and over, from April 2024.

When will the uplift to the minimum rate for PAs be applied?

The £12 rate should apply for hours worked from 1st April 2024. The Scottish Government have said it may take a short time for the change to filter through to all employers.

Local Authorities and ILF Scotland have written to PA employers to advise them of the change.

What should a PA employer do if they haven’t received increased funding to pay the minimum rate?

PA employers should contact their Local Authority or ILF Scotland.

What should a PA do if they aren’t being paid the minimum rate?

PAs should speak to their employer to ensure they are paid the minimum rate of £12 an hour for all hours worked.

Part of
Last Updated
13 June 2024
First Published
28 March 2023
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