PA Employer’s Employment Responsibilities

Personal Assistant (PA) employers have a number of responsibilities relating to their employees, from recruitment and on-going support of PAs, to keeping their information safe.

Responsibilities as an employer include

  • To recruit people fairly and do not discriminate against anyone. This includes taking up of references and applying for a PVG check
  • Having a contingency plan in place to cover for staff annual leave and sickness
  • To have Employer’s Liability Insurance in place before staff start their employment, and to update this every year
  • To make sure that PAs have a written statement on their first day of employment that outlines their main terms and conditions of employment such as their job title, hours of work, pay, annual leave and sickness entitlement
  • To have a Job Description in place that details the role and tasks that a Personal Assistants will undertake
  • To pay your PAs’ wages, tax, National Insurance and pension (if applicable). Or to ask a payroll company to do this on your behalf.
  • To register with the Pensions Regulator and HMRC, or ask a payroll company to do this on your behalf
  • If you use a payroll company, to provide them with any information they need, such as copies of timesheets and any changes to staff details
  • To have a dedicated bank account, solely for the purpose of Self Directed Support funding received. You will need to provide bank statements for this account to the Local Authority Finance Team for monitoring purposes. If you use a pre-payment card, you do not need to have a bank account
  • To meet any Health and Safety requirements in the workplace so you do not put yourself or your PAs at risk
  • To provide any relevant training to your PAs to make sure they can do their job well. This includes training on using specific equipment, such as a hoist.
  • To make sure that your PAs have an induction into the workplace
  • To support your PAs through supervision and ongoing training and development
  • To make sure you comply with the law about protecting your PAs’ personal details (GDPR).

Next steps

You can find further information on these topics by visiting the articles below.

Part of
Last Updated
28 May 2024
First Published
28 March 2022
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Please note that the information contained in this Handbook is provided for guidance purposes only. Every reasonable effort is made to make the information accurate and up to date, but no responsibility for its accuracy and correctness, or for any consequences of relying on it, is assumed by Self Directed Support Scotland or any other contributing party.

The information does not, and is not intended to, amount to legal advice. You are strongly advised to obtain specific, personal and professional advice from a lawyer about employment law matters, or an accountant/ tax specialist about taxation matters, and from HMRC and your insurers. You should not rely solely on the information in this Handbook. Support organisations listed in this Handbook can help you find appropriate sources of advice.