Before you start

You can decide how much choice, control and responsibility you want over how your support is provided. This article explains how you will be offered different options for choosing how you get your support.

Option 1

Find out more about Option 1, also known as a Direct Payment. This is the option that gives you the most control, flexibility and responsibility when it comes to your social care support.

Option 2

Find out more about Option 2. This is the option where you choose how you want to be supported and then the support is arranged on your behalf. You direct the support, but you do not have to manage the money.

Option 3

Find out more about Option 3. This is the option where you ask your local council to choose and arrange the support that it thinks is right for you. You are not responsible for arranging the support, and you have less direct choice and control over how the support is arranged.

Option 4

Find out more about Option 4. This is where you choose the parts of your support you want to have direct control over, and what you want to leave to your council to sort out for you.

Case Study: Examples of people who use Option 1 to direct their support

Case Study: Examples of people who use Option 2 to choose and arrange their support


Please note that the information contained in this Handbook is provided for guidance purposes only. Every reasonable effort is made to make the information accurate and up to date, but no responsibility for its accuracy and correctness, or for any consequences of relying on it, is assumed by Self Directed Support Scotland or any other contributing party.

The information does not, and is not intended to, amount to legal advice. You are strongly advised to obtain specific, personal and professional advice from a lawyer about employment law matters, or an accountant/ tax specialist about taxation matters, and from HMRC and your insurers. You should not rely solely on the information in this Handbook. Support organisations listed in this Handbook can help you find appropriate sources of advice.