Thinking about what you need support with
At some point in life, many people will require some support with day-to-day life to help remain as independent as possible.
The type and level of the support you need will change with time. Sometimes you might need less or no help, and sometimes you might need more help.
Sometimes you might need support that has to be funded (paid for). At other times this support might be more informal support you can get in your community.
Thinking about what you need support with
If you ask your council for an Assessment, they will discuss with you what you need support with.
It is important to take some time before the Assessment to think about what you need support with.
It can be hard to think about the support that you need when you are not sure if it exists or if you would be eligible for it.
It can also be difficult to describe your needs to another person, particularly when you do not know that person well.
You know yourself and your needs better than anyone else.
Everyone is different, so everyone will have a different idea of what a good life looks for them. Everyone will need support with different things.
As a starting point, think about the things that you need to help you live your life as you want to. You can ask family and friends to help you with this.
It is also a good idea to write down any support you already get from family and friends. Mention if you are both happy for this support to continue or if you need someone else to support you.
Thinking about what is important to you
Your support should be built around what is important to you. These are often called Outcomes or Personal Outcomes.
Outcomes are the ‘big picture’ of what you want life to look like for you. They do not have to be big aims, it could be something as simple as:
- staying safe and healthy
- being independent
- having good mental health.
Thinking about what is important to you will help when it comes to your Assessment. It will help you and your social worker think about what types of support will help you lead the life you want.
Where can I get help with this?
It is a good idea to speak to an Independent Support Organisation in your area. They can work with you to find out about you, your life and what is important to you.
They can help you think about what a good life looks like for you and what you need support with, before your council does an Assessment.
In this video, Stuart and Lynn share how their local Independent Support Organisation helped them think about what types of support would benefit Lynn to live well:
You can find details of a local Independent Support Organisation using the Find Help search tool.
Next steps
Take a look at the Workbook below to help you think about what you need support with.
Read the next page: Your Support Plan